I am envious of these companies and their COVID-19 emails. I need to get that out today – another handwashing reminder, maybe mix in the term “social distancing,” and include some links to various CDC sites. I was a PR major – I know how to craft a message to my various publics. They must want my stance on this pandemic.
NAAAHH!!! I don’t think so. COVID-19 will be behind us soon. As for me, I have moved on to COVID-20. This is breaking news.
It turns out social distancing is prime time for board games, personal reflection, and personal development. I have enjoyed talking to recruiting and coaching clients that are completing training they had been putting off. I applaud the effort. This is a great time to improve YOU while you are quarantined.
It is always the right time to discuss the state of your career, right? While you clearly want to avoid COVID-19 – COVID-20 is worth contracting.
COVID-20 is a 20-minute career conversation. Whether you want to make a move or not – let’s talk. We will discuss your career plan and career timing. You set the agenda where we start and I will ask the questions. COVID-20 has nothing to do with COVID-19 and has everything to do with your career, where you have been and where you are going.
In my world, the truth can be harder to find than Purell. Truth is the bleach that helps us get you where you want to go. You bring the truth (i.e. no mask) and I will bring no judgment. Let’s connect for a COVID-20 (or 30) during COVID-19.
You can schedule that call right here –> COVID-20 CALL sometime between Monopoly, managing your social media persona and a grocery store run. Since you can’t go anywhere, let’s talk about where you are going.